Greg Verjan

Greg Verjan
Part Owner of Turin Pest Control

From repairing termite damage to running the business, Greg has collected more than twenty years of experience in pest control. He became a part owner of Turin Pest Control in 2018 and functions as our Operations Manager. In addition to his duties as Operations Manager, he fills in wherever needed.Greg is certified in household pest control, mosquito pest control, and wood infesting organisms. Additionally, he is a licensed contractor for the state of Georgia.

When asked what his favorite part of his job is, he stated, “I enjoy helping families rid their homes of unwanted pests and providing a fun and professional place to work.”

Author’s Articles

Don’t Skip a Beat: Are You Ready for This Season’s Pests?

As summer transitions to fall, many homeowners may consider canceling their pest control services, assuming cooler weather will naturally decrease pest activity. However, it’s essential not to overlook the importance of consistent pest management, especially as seasonal changes can bring new challenges. Here’s why now’s not the time to cancel your residential pest control services…

02.09.2024 | by Greg Verjan see more

Buzzing Visitors: Understanding Wasps and Hornets

While often misunderstood, wasps and hornets can become significant pests when they intrude upon our living spaces. At Turin Pest Control, we strive to create harmony between humans and these buzzing insects. Let’s explore the differences between wasps and hornets, their behaviors, and how to address infestations effectively. Differentiating Wasps and Hornets: Although wasps and…

01.08.2024 | by Greg Verjan see more

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